Thursday, 8 October 2015

Is There a Justin Bieber Penis Pic Double Standard at Play?

And yet the sun set and we all lived to talk about it today. But Twitter wastemporarily swept away in a cataclysmic cloud of just not knowing what to do with the 21-year-old heartthrob's genitals making the rounds place once photos of himfrolicking in the nude in Bora Bora were obtained by the New York Daily News.
The NYDN of course did not post the pics without censoring Bieber's bits, but yet there it was, his uncensored junk right at the top of our Twitter feeds thanks to someone who presumably felt that he or she was doing God's work. Adam and Eve, you know? (Though even Adam is usually pictured with fig leaf...)Anyway, many of the reactions were of the type you might expect, falling into several camps: There were those whose lives peaked on the spot. Then there were the snide, why-is-my-feed-full-of-Bieber's-dick responses. Similarly, there were others who just found the whole thing hilarious.

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