Kyle Richards was definitely in a sharing mood during her recent appearance on Andy Cohen's SiriusXM show, "Andy Cohen Live."The 46-year-old "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star talked about her first boyfriend, "The Outsiders" star C. Thomas Howell, and revealed that the now 48-year-old actor was her first in many ways. The two dated for five years, around the time he starred in the now classic 1983 film."He was my first kiss, my first boyfriend," Kyle revealed, before admitting that she lost her virginity to him.Kyle also described his intense popularity at the time, which had her hanging out with the star-studded "Outsiders" cast."It was a nightmare going out in public with him," she recalled. "I would be, like, with Rob Lowe, and Tom Cruise and Matt Dillon.
On a more serious note, Kyle also talked about her relationship with her older sister, 51-year-old Kim Richards, who's openly struggled with sobriety this year. Kim entered rehab for the fourth time in April, after she was arrested at the Beverly Hills Hotel and was charged with public intoxication, trespassing, resisting arrest and battery of a police officer. In August, she was arrested for shoplifting at a Target in Van Nuys, Calif."She's good right now," Kyle said. "She's happy, she's sober. She shows up this season."The reality star admitted that their relationship -- its ups and downs having long been portrayed on their hit Bravo show -- will probably always be "a work in progress.""It's very difficult," Kyle admitted. "We will be OK, and then the show reruns, and we're like, 'Oh my gosh,' and it kind of brings things up again, honestly. It's not just that, but we have a difficult relationship and we will probably always be a work in progress -- always, honestly. I don't think it's ever going to be like, 'Oh my gosh, it's just like we were little, woo-hoo, let's go have ice cream together!' I hope, but it's probably not."Despite the speculation that Kim would not be returning to the "RHOBH" this season, she was spotted earlier this month filming season six with her castmates, Brandi Glanville and Yolanda Foster. A source close to Kim told ET that producers called her back to be a part of a few episodes."Everyone sees the progress she has been making and everyone was happy to have her back!" the source said.
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